How to Add Units to Numeric Values in Excel for Better Data Presentation

How to Add Units to Numeric Values in Excel for Better Data Presentation
 How to        May 23, 2023         TILS Education       1       729


Excel is a powerful tool that allows users to perform various calculations and present data in a visually appealing manner. When working with numeric values, it can be helpful to include units to provide context and improve data presentation. This article will guide you through different methods to add units to numeric values in Excel, ensuring your data is clear and easily understandable.

Why Add Units to Numeric Values?

Adding units to numeric values in Excel offers several advantages. It enhances data clarity, eliminates ambiguity, and reduces the chances of misinterpretation. By including units, you provide essential information about the quantity being represented, making it easier for readers to comprehend the data at a glance. Whether you are working with measurements,financial data, or any other numerical information, adding units can significantly improve data presentation.

Method 1: Formatting Cells in Excel

Step 1: Select the Cell(s)

To add units to numeric values using the formatting method, start by selecting the cell(s) containing the values you want to format.

Step 2: Go to the Format Cells Dialog Box

Right-click on the selected cell(s) and choose "Format Cells" from the context menu. Alternatively, you can navigate to the "Home" tab, click on the "Number Format" dropdown, and select "More Number Formats" at the bottom.

Step 3: Choose the Number Tab

In the Format Cells dialog box, go to the "Number" tab. Here, you will find various number categories and formatting options.

Step 4: Select the Desired Unit

From the number categories, choose the format that suits your data type best. For example, if you are working with currency, select the "Currency" category and specify the desired currency symbol. Excel will now display the numeric values with the chosen unit.

Method 2: Using Custom Formats

Step 1: Select the Cell(s)

      Similar to the previous method, start by selecting the cell(s) that contain the numeric values you want to format with units.

Step 2: Go to the Format Cells Dialog Box

      Right-click on the selected cell(s) and choose "Format Cells" from the context menu, or use the "Number Format" dropdown from the "Home" tab and select "More Number Formats."

Step 3: Choose the Custom Category

       In the Format Cells dialog box, navigate to the "Custom" category. This category allows you to define custom formats for your numeric values.

Step 4: Define the Custom Format

        In the "Type" field, enter a format code that combines the numeric value with the desired unit. For example, to add a percentage sign to a value, enter "0%" as the format code. Excel will apply this custom format to the selected cells, displaying the numeric values with the specified unit.

Method 3: Concatenating Units with Cell Values

Step 1: Select the Cell(s)

            Select the cell(s) containing the numeric values you want to concatenate with units.

Step 2: Use the Concatenate Function

            In an adjacent cell, use the CONCATENATE function or the ampersand symbol (&) to combine the numeric value with the desired unit. For example, if the value is in cell A1 and the unit is "kg," enter the formula "=A1&" kg"" in the adjacent cell. Excel will display the concatenated value with the unit.

Best Practices for Adding Units

When adding units to numeric values in Excel, it's essential to follow some best practices:

1. Consistency: Ensure consistent formatting across similar types of data to maintain a professional and organized appearance.

2. Clarity: Use abbreviations or symbols that are widely recognized and easy to understand to avoid confusion.

3. Alignment: Align units in a separate column to maintain uniformity and readability.

4. Labeling: Clearly label columns and rows that contain units to provide clear context for the data.


Adding units to numeric values in Excel enhances data presentation and improves clarity. By following the methods outlined in this article, you can easily incorporate units into your Excel spreadsheets. Whether you prefer formatting cells, using custom formats, or concatenating units with values, Excel provides versatile options to make your data more comprehensible. Utilize these techniques to present your numerical data effectively and create visually appealing spreadsheets.


FAQ 1: Can I add units to multiple cells at once?

Yes, you can add units to multiple cells simultaneously in Excel. Simply select the range of cells you want to format, and then apply the desired formatting method, such as using the Format Cells dialog box or custom formats. Excel will automatically apply the formatting to all the selected cells.

FAQ 2: How do I remove units from numeric values?

To remove units from numeric values in Excel, you can use the Find and Replace feature. Press Ctrl + H to open the Find and Replace dialog box, enter the unit you want to remove in the "Find what" field, leave the "Replace with" field empty, and click "Replace All." Excel will remove the specified unit from all the cells in the worksheet.

FAQ 3: Can I use different units in the same column?

Yes, you can use different units in the same column in Excel. However, it's essential to clearly label the units for each value to avoid confusion. Consider adding a separate column for units or using consistent labelling within the cells.

FAQ 4: Will adding units affect calculations in Excel?

No, adding units to numeric values in Excel does not affect the underlying calculations. Excel recognizes units as text or formatting and does not consider them when performing mathematical operations. The units are purely for visual representation and data clarity.

FAQ 5: Are there any limitations to adding units in Excel?

While adding units to numeric values in Excel is a powerful feature, there are a few limitations to keep in mind. Units added as text or formatting do not interact with calculations, so you need to ensure separate cells for numerical values if calculations are required. Additionally, extensive use of units may increase file size, so it's essential to strike a balance between readability and file performance.

TILS Education

About the Author

TILS Education

The Institute of Languages & Skills (TILS) is an Educational Start-Up to root-up the biggest problem of India “Unemployability” even after having a dignified degree.

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Very helpful

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